
Plenary reports by ILDG

Written written the 17/10/2017

During the 33rd plenary session of the Congress, ILDG members will present the following reports:

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Local and regional democracy in Italy: Stewart DICKSON, United Kingdom (R, ILDG), co-rapporteur

Thursday 19 October 2017

Making public procurement transparent at local and regional levels: Amelie TARCHYS INGRE, Sweden (L, ILDG), rapporteur

A better future for Europe’s rural areas: Philippe LEUBA, Switzerland (R, ILDG), rapporteur; Presentation by Laurent WEHRLI, Switzerland (R, ILDG)

Friday 20 October 2017

10 years of the European Local Democracy Week : Presentation by Marc COOLS, Belgium (L, ILDG) on behalf of the Congress Spokesperson on the European Local Democracy Week

Local and regional democracy in Switzerland : Marc COOLS, Belgium (L, ILDG), co-rapporteur