Le Congress Connect est une base de données comportant l'ensemble des informations sur les membres et sur la composition des structures du Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du Conseil de l'Europe.
Maria Bigday
publié le 16/04/2019
Le 30 avril 2019, M. Ott Kasuri (GILD, Estoni), membre du Conseil municipal de Harku, présentera à Tallin la feuille de route sur la prévention de la corruption et la promotion de l’éthique publique développée par le Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux. Il interviendra dans le cadre de la conférence internationale sur "Le gouvernement local et les risques de corruption" soutenue par le Conseil de l'Europe.
Annonce (traduction en anglais):
Transparency International Estonia cordially invites you to the conference
Local Government Corruption Risks
April 30, 2019 at 12:00-17:00 at Sokos Hotel Viru, Tallinn
Conference is funded by the Council of Europe
In April 2019, Transparency International Estonia, supported by the Ministry of Justice of Estonia, will launch a corruption risk self-assessment platform for local governments. This international conference will look into how and why we need this kind of platform through the eyes of state authorities, international institutions and local governments themselves.
12:00-12:10 Opening remarks - Elsa Leiten, TI Estonia, Member of Board
I state perspective
12:10-12:30 Purpose of local government corruption risk assessment platform - Kätlin-Chris Kruusmaa, Ministry of Justice
12:30-13:00 Trends in local government corruption cases - Remo Perli, Corruption Crime Bureau of Central Criminal Police
13:00-13:30 Results, challenges and future of anti-corruption efforts - Lavly Perling, Prosecutor General of Estonia
13:30-13:50 Coffee break
13:50-14:20 Self-assessment - fast track for corruption prevention - Airi Mikli, Advisor to Auditor General
II international standards and priorities
14:20-14:50 Council of Europe: local government ethics standards - Alina Tatarenko, Deputy Head of the Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform, Council of Europe
14:50-15:20 CLRAE roadmap on corruption prevention and ethics - Ott Kasuri, Member of Harku Municality Council and Member of the Estonian Delegation, The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (CLRAE)
15:20-15:40 Coffee break
III local level challenges and practices
15:40-16:30 Anti-corruption efforts on the ground: challenges and practices - Panel discussion with local government representatives (TBC)
16:30-17:00 Introduction to the self-assessment platform and next steps on implementation - TI Estonia
Register by April 14, 2019: https://goo.gl/forms/VKkLPW1nqibtzik53