Communication by Rapporteur on the Congress Budget, Mr. Xavier Cadoret

Communication by Rapporteur on the Congress Budget, Mr. Xavier Cadoret

Date(s) from 29/03/2017 to 29/03/2017

The budget envelope 2017 allocated to the Congress is 7 113 000 euros. It represents 2.73 % of the ordinary budget of the Council of Europe against 2.92 % in 2010.

Mr Xavier Cadoret, Rapporteur to the Congress on the Budget has requested during the presentation of his report that this part be brought up to 3 % due to growing activities of the Congress:  11 monitoring and post-monitoring missions per year on average since 2010 instead of 4 in 2006. He requested the Committee of Ministers to review their will to maintain a nominal growth zero for the next two years 2018-2019 which means decrease of the resources for the Congress and a threat to reduce the Congress activities.

The President of the Socialist Group, Mr Piero Fassino has requested the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Mr Thorbjørn JAGLAND during the session of questions to consolidate the means of the Congress in order to allow it to carry on its activities.